Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 7:30 P.M.
Minutes of the Reorganization Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
The reorganization meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Gilbert. Those in attendance were Supervisor Stephen W. Simchak; Supervisor William J. Sanchez, Jr. and Secretary/Treasurer Terri Conville. There were approximately ten residents and one reporter present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Mr. Gilbert made a nomination to adjourn the old board.
Mr. Simchak made a nomination to appoint Terri Conville as temporary Chairman
Mr. Gilbert made a nomination to appoint Steve Simchak temporary Secretary.
Mr. Simchak made a nomination to re-organize the Board of Supervisors for 2009.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to nominate William J Sanchez, Jr. as Chairman for 2009. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to nominate Shawn Gilbert as Vice-Chairman for 2009. Mr. Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Terri Conville as the Secretary/ Treasurer for 2009 at the salary of $29,120.00 per year, $14.00 per hour. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. Mr. Sanchez, Jr. voted no for the record. Motion carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint Darlene Fenstermacher as Part-time Secretary/Assistant Treasurer at the rate of $12.00 per hour. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gilbert. Mr. Sanchez, Jr. voted no for the record. Motion carried.
Mr. Simchak called the new Board to order.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Robert Yurchak as Solicitor for 2009 for the Rush Township Board of Supervisors at $625.00 per quarter plus $90.00 per hour as needed. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint Peter Fagan as Solicitor for 2009 for the Planning Commission at $110.00 per hour. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Attorney Joseph Matika as solicitor for the Zoning Hearing Board for the year 2009 at $75.00 per hour. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint Sovereign Bank to be named depository bank for 2009. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Arro Consulting, Inc. as Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer on an as needed basis at the rate of $72.00 per hour. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint Arro Consulting, Inc. as the engineering firm for the Board of Supervisors for 2009 on an as needed basis according to their rate schedule. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Arro Consulting, Inc. as the Engineer and/or Consultant for 2009 for the Planning Commission at the rate of $72.00 per hour. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint Pro Design Plus as the alternate Engineer and/or Consultant for 2009 for the Planning Commission. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to set the compensation for each Planning Commission member at the rate of $20.00 per meeting. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to set the compensation for each Zoning Hearing Board member at $10.00 per hearing. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Robert Ritsick and Cathy Schimpf as the voting delegates to the Eastern Schuylkill Planning. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint Wayne Postupack and Tom Murphy as alternate delegates to the Eastern Schuylkill Planning. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to set the compensation for each Township Auditor at $10.00 per hour. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint William Brior as the Sewage Code Enforcement Officer for the year 2009 at the rate of $40.00 per hour. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Bruce Dobash as alternate Sewage Code Enforcement Officer for 2009. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to adopt Resolution 2009-01 setting the fee schedule for 2009 for the Sewage Enforcement Officer. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to re-appoint the following road crew and rates for 2009 as follows:
Dave Kerstetter as Road Foreman at the rate of $17.00 per hour.
Dennis Rupert as Equipment Operator/CDL Truck Driver/Laborer at $16.00 per hour.
Dennis Boyle as Part-time Laborer at the rate of $10.60 per hour.
Vehicle Repair Rate an additional $1.00 per hour with a maximum of 8 hours per week.
Laborer/Part time $10.00 per hour.
Seasonal CDL Truck Driver $13.50 per hour & Non CDL Truck Driver $12.00 per hour.
Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. Mr. Sanchez, Jr. stated that he is not against the re-appointments, but just the raises the employees are getting. Sanchez voted no. Motion carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to set the benefits for the full time Township employees as follows for 2009: paid Vacation – (Currently) After one year – 5 days, 4 to 9 years – 8 days, 10 to 17 years – 13 days, 18+years – 15 days: Continued medical insurance, vision, dental, life with full coverage for the employee; 9 Paid Holidays (Currently) New Year’s – Good Friday – Memorial Day- 4th of July – Labor Day – Thanksgiving Day – Day After Thanksgiving – Christmas Eve, Christmas Day; 7 Personal Days(cannot be carried over); 2 Bereavement Days; Employer/Employee continuing Pension Plan; Work clothes and a $50.00 allowance for work shoes for the Road Crew. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Sanchez, Jr., stated for the record an executive session was held for personnel reasons.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Richard Sinton as Chief of Police. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to reappoint the police officers as follows:
Duane Fredericks as full time police officer at $16.25 per hour.
Brian Thompson as full time police officer at $16.25 per hour.
Jonathan McHugh as part-time police officer at $12.48 per hour.
Corey Herring as part-time police officer at $12.48 per hour.
Scott Cramer as part-time police officer at $12.48 per hour.
Richard Naprava as part time police officer at $12.00 per hour.
Part Time Police Officer at $12.00 per hour and $12.48 after probationary period.
Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. Under the question, Mr. Sanchez, Jr. stated that the officer in charge gets $1.00 more per hour. Mr. Gilbert stated the township is in negotiations with the police for the contract and their wages will change when the contract is settled. All voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion that the Board of Supervisors appoint the following list of Fire Police for the Hometown Fire Company and Quakake Volunteer Fire Company for 2009. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion that the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer be authorized to pay payroll every other week. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to set the Treasurer’s and Assistant Treasurer’s Bond limits at $2,000,000.00. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion that the Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer be authorized to sign the recap sheet and bond for the Tax Collector when due. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion that the Board of Supervisors and the Secretary/Treasurer be authorized to attend the State Convention in Hershey, PA. April 19-22nd 2009 and authorize mileage, room, and food allowance of $50.00 per day for 3 days to those attending. The voting delegate and alternate voting delegate will be appointed at a later date. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion that the Board of Supervisors and the Secretary/Treasurer be authorized to attend the 2009 PAHRA conferences and include mileage, room and food allowance. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes for the motion, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion that elected officials be authorized to attend the Schuylkill County Convention and pay them as permitted by the Second Class Township Code. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Joseph Svetz as Chairman of the Vacancy Board for 2009. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to set the Township reimbursement rate for mileage for 2009 at 48.5 cents per mile. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. Under the question, Cathey Schimpf wanted to know if the motion should state mileage should be paid at the current federal rate per mile in order to avoid paying taxes on the difference. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint Stephen Simchak and William J. Sanchez, Jr. to attend the North Schuylkill Landfill Association meetings for 2009. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint the resident representative to the Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission as Joseph Pinkey for a one year term. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to appoint Stephen Simchak for a one year term as an alternate resident representative to the Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to set the meeting as the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM for 2009. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to adopt Resolution 2009-02 for the signatures required for bank accounts. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to adopt Resolution 2009-03 setting the garbage collection and disposal fees. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion to appoint William J. Sanchez, Jr. as the Alcohol/Drug-Free Workplace Supervisor. Mr. Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Sanchez, Jr. made a motion to use The Times News as the Township newspaper. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Simchak made a motion for the Supervisors, and Township Engineer to conduct a road inspection in the spring. Mr. Gilbert seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Mr. Gilbert made a motion to use Maillie, Falconiero & Company as the accountants to do the yearly audit of the books for 2009. Mr. Simchak seconded the motion. All voted yes, carried.
Public Participation
Pat Tracey – wanted to know who Richard Sinton is and what happened to Robbie. Barry Messerschmidt – thanked Robbie for his help over the years.
Carmen Forke – gave the Supervisors a letter on behalf of the auditors that was stamped received by the township office. Mr. Sanchez, Jr. stated the Board will take action on it at the next business meeting. Mr. Simchak suggested the auditors obtain a rate from an attorney and present it to the Board for review.
Mr. Sanchez, Jr. adjourned the meeting at 7:55 o’clock p.m.
Terri Conville