
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – December 15, 2009

Rush Township Municipal Building
Hometown, PA 18252

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The scheduled 6:00 o/clock p.m. monthly meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:30 o’clock p.m. by Chairman Stephen Simchak. This was due 10 the budget meeting. Those in attendance were Vice-Chairman Shawn Gilbert; Supervisor William J. Sanchez, Jr.; SecretarylTreasurer Terri Conville; Atlomey Robert Yurchak; and Corporal Duane Frederick. Approximately twenty residents and two reporters were also in attendance. The Pledge ofAllegiance was then recited.

American Water Services Report
John Tiejaro read the American Water Services report as of November 17, 2009. Vice-Chairman made a motion to accept the American Water Service’s report as read. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. All voted in favor ofthe motion, carried.

Police Report
Corporal Duane Frederick read the police report for the month ofOclober, 2009. Corporal Frederick asked the Board 10 reimburse Officer Thompson for attendance at a taser class. Frederick also stated he talked 10 the District Atlorney about cleaning out the evidence rooD!. Frederick stated there has to be two officers present and it has 10 be a controlled burn. Attorney Yurchak was authorized by the Supervisors to draw up a resolution for next month’s meeting addressing the destruction of the evidence. Supervisor Gilbert thinks it should be burned at the Hometown Fire Company with Barry’s help. Frederick also stated several officers need 10 be updated in CPR training and the cost is $20.00 per officer. Chairman Simchak asked Corporal Frederick 10 submit a written request with all the information. A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to accept the police department’s report. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion, carried. All voted in favor ofthe motion, carried. A motion was made by Supervisor Sanchez; Jr. retroactive for Officer Thompson to attend a two day taser class and pay him his wages, mileage and reimbursement for the class is $20.00. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion, carried.

Minutes of Previous Meetings
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert 10 approve the minutes ofthe previous meeting Oclober 20, 2009. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. All voted in favor ofthe motion, carried.

Treasurer’s Report
A motion was made by Vice-Chainnan Gilbert to accept the treasurer’s report as of October 31, 2009. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. Under the question, Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. asked Ms. Conville 10 read the balance for each account. All voted in favor ofthe motion, carried.
Approval of Current Township and Sewer Bills for November, 2009
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert 10 approve the current Iownship and sewer bills for November, 2009. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. Under the question, Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. asked for an explanation of the check made out to replenish Petty Cash in the amount of $44.72. Ms. Conville stated the petty cash is used for mailings, small items purchased, etc. Sanchez Jr. also wanted to know why Dave Kerstetter was paid $152.00. Conville stated Dave did some work on the lights in the building. All voted in favor of the motion, carried.

Municipal Reports
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to accept all municipal reports. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. All voted in favor ofthe motion, carried.

A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to accept all correspondence. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. All voted in favor ofthe motion, carried. Key areas noted by Ms. Conville in the correspondence file for the month were as follows:
1. Letter from the Office of Solid Waste and Resource Management
2. Letter from Betty Sbikora
3. Letter from Pa. Dept. of Transportation in reference to the state police fines and penalties
4. PSATS News Bulletin
5. PSATS Township Legal Defense Partnership
6. PIRMA Newsletter
7. Township Today Newsletter
8. Minutes from NESJMA

Chairman Simchak read the two letters received from residents thanking the Iownship and our Road Foreman. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller thanked the road crew for the great job they did on Hometown Avenue. Donald R. Serfass wrote that Mr. Rutch’s fast and professional response is something not always seen at municipalities, and feels Rush Township is fortunate 10 have him serving in this important capacity. Mr. Rutch is a credit 10 the Iownship. Chestnut Street was patched with a modified compound. Under the question, Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. stated that Chestnut Street is a paper street, which the Iownship does not maintain and would not recommend doing any more work on that street.

Attorney’s Business

Old Business

New Business
A. A motion was made by Vice-Chainnan Gilbert 10 donate $400.00 to the Tamaqua Public Library. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. All voted in favor ofthe motion, carried.
B. A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert 10 grant the request 10 hold the Shot Gun Enduro Race in the Iownship on Sunday, June 20, 2010. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. All voted in favor of the motion, carried.
C.  A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to adopt Resolution #09-07 authorizing the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance to make an application for a LED Traffic Signal Grant on the township’s behalf.  Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion.  All voted in favor of the motion, carried.
D.  A motion was made by Chairman Simchak for Terri Conville to attend a meeting at N.E.P.A. for the purpose of applying for a LED Traffic Signal Grant and include mileage and substance.  Motion dies for a lack of a second.
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to rescind the motion passing the resolution.  Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion.  Under the question, Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. asked if there was any information on this grant.  Ms. Conville noted it was attached to the resolution and the first step in the grant process was to pass the resolution.  Gilbert and Sanchez voted for the motion.  Simchak voted no.  Motion carried.

General Purpose Public Participation
1.  Pat Tracey – wanted to know what is going on with the Caldonetti property.  Ms. Tracey also asked the Board what type of township managerial job Terri is suppose to get by taking care of the road and police departments.  Ms. Tracy claims this was said at the polls by several people.  Ms Tracy also wanted to know why Steve, Terri and the newly elected Supervisor were at the courthouse.  Simchak stated it was for research. Ms. Conville noted this was on her own time and not township time. Ms. Tracy also wanted to know what is happening with the Robbie Romanick case.
2.  Jeaninne Motroni – questioned the safety of the property managed with Rice Welding.  Ms.  Motroni wanted to know if the evidence room is inventoried and if the Board had a list of the inventoried items in the evidence room.  Simchak and Gilbert stated they do not have a list of the items and have no idea what items are in the room.  Ms. Motroni accused Simchak of saying that if Robbie comes back he would abolish the police dept.  Simchak stated he never said that and we are hoping to look into regionalizing the police dept.
3.  Len Tenella – wanted a progress report on his complaint filed with the township.  Chairman Simchak stated no decisions have been made.
4.  Joe Shamonsky – thanked the road department for finally fixing the drain/sewer problem at his property.  It was a good job except the water runs uphill now.
5.  John Shamonsky – wanted to know what has been done about keeping the trucks off of Meadow Avenue. Mr. Shamonsky also asked about the traffic pattern for Turkey Hill.
6.  William Boyer – stated the tractors are running all night on South Street and should be using the main entrance to the warehouse.
7.  Barry Messerschmidt – stated he is working with Bill McMullen about the intersection at Turkey Hill.  Mr. Messerschmidt indicated that fire apparatus is unable to negotiate the turn from SR 309 within the travel lane of Wyoming Street. Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. did state they have to rip the curb out and make it wider.
8.  John Schickram – wanted to know what the carryover is for the proposed budget.  He stated all the Supervisors should sit down with the office staff and come up with a budget.  It is the Supervisors job to do the budget, not the administration.
9.  John Shamonsky – asked to have a copy of the traffic pattern for Turkey Hill

Supervisors Response Period
Vice-Chairman Gilbert made a motion to spend $300.00 on seasonal decorations.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.   For the record, Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. voted no.  Motion carried.
Vice-Chairman Gilbert made a motion to have two part time secretaries in the township and work no more than thirty hours per week starting tomorrow.  Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion. Simchak voted no.  Motion carried.  Gilbert feels that this should be enough time for the work to get done in the office.
Vice-Chairman Gilbert made a motion to put our road foreman, Gene Rutch part time to work no more than thirty hours per week.  Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion.  Under the question, Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. asked about the other two workers in the road department.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert stated that Dennis Rupert would remain at full time status and Dennis Boyle would work as needed. Simchak voted no.  Motion carried.
Gilbert stated that the cost of medical benefits is rising and so is our Workers Compensation policy. Cutting these two full-timers to part time status will save on these costs.
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to give health benefits to full-time employees only.   Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. seconded the motion.  Chairman Simchak voted no.  Motion carried.  Simchak asked Attorney Yurchak to research the legality of ending the benefits.  Both Ms. Conville and Mr. Rutch will continue to receive the benefits until the end of the month.  Gilbert stated the Supervisors will do a schedule for the office and road department.  A resident asked if the township would have to pay Cobra benefits as a result of tonight’s decision.
Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. wanted to know why he was the only one subpoena for Robbie Romanick’s hearing.  He stated he checks in with Ms. Conville every day or so and doesn’t hear from the other two Supervisors.  He asked Attorney Yurchak if he would fill him in on what is going on and asked to see a list of charges in the Romanick case.

Vice-Chairman Gilbert made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Transcribed and Attested

Terri Conville, Secretary

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