
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – December 22, 2009

Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA  18252

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The budget meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order at 7 o’clock p.m. by Vice-Chairman Gilbert.   Present were Supervisor Sanchez, Jr., Part Time Secretary/ Assistant Treasurer Darlene Fenstermacher, one reporter and approximately five residents.  Absent from the meeting were Chairman Simchak and Secretary/Treasurer Terri Conville.

Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. asked everyone to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sanchez, Jr.  stated the budget given to him at our last township meeting had a surplus for the General Fund at
$63,908.99 and then there were a few minor changes to it.  Sanchez, Jr. said then the advertised one had a carry-over of
$228,932.93 in the General Fund.  Gilbert did restate that this meeting is called to order right now.  Sanchez, Jr. wanted to explain how the budget went from a $63,000.00 carry-over to a $228,000.00 carryover.    Sanchez, Jr. stated that each Supervisor had a different budget in their minds and there should have been a budget meeting like this to key in the line items.  It was noted that Mr. Dunn’s money will be geared for the maintenance of the parks.  Line items reduced included conferences and seminars, office equipment, computer upgrades, minor equipment purchases, administrative services, telephones, postage, printing, Act 32 EIT, clerk position, software, payroll services, engineering fees, building maintenance, gasoline and developmental services.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert stated this budget has two part time office positions, the secretary/treasurer, and the part time secretary/ part time treasurer, to work up to thirty hours per week.  Gilbert stated this will save the township on benefit costs.  Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. also stated that this budget calls for all wages to be frozen.   With the above adjustments, a total of approximately $165,000.00 was found towards the carry-over. Cathy Schimpf feels the Board should leave some funds in the line item for the new Act 32 EIT.

Vice-Chairman Gilbert stated this budget has a slight increase in the Hometown Sewer rates.  The Board is proposing the rates to go from$ 117.81 to $130.00 per quarter.  This is increase of $12.19 per quarter.  The Hometown Sewer Fund would have a surplus in 2010 of approximately $40,000.00.  The surplus would be put in an account for sewer related problems.  Supervisor Sanchez feels all the money should be paid back for the Fortunato property.

Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. noted the fees for Lake Hauto would stay the same, $180.00 per quarter.

Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. stated that everything stayed the same for the fire companies.

Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. originally thought the yearly garbage fee could be reduced. Then Ms. Fenstermacher explained to him that a lot of delinquents were paid now and that extra money would not be coming in anymore. The garbage bid is due to go out in 2010.

Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. stated that he is not in favor of raising the taxes.  He would reduce them with a $200,000.00 carry-over.

Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. made a motion to pass the 2010 budget with a carry-over of $228,932.93 and holding the taxes with no increase.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Under the question, Gilbert stated that not one number has changed in this 2010 proposed budget that was advertised for twenty days before.  Cathy Schimpf wanted to know if this is the budget that was advertised and did this budget call for part time administrative workers, and full-time road crew workers.  Supervisor Sanchez, Jr. stated this budget has two full time road department employees.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert stated the two positions of secretary/treasurer, and assistant secretary/assistant treasurer are part time.  Cathy Schimpf feels there should be one full time person in the office.  Ms. Schimpf also stated that if both girls are part time and have the same responsibilities or duties, then both should get paid the same wage.  Gilbert stated the treasurer does have more duties.  All voted in favor of the motion.

Vice-Chairman Gilbert and Supervisor Sanchez, Jr.  voted to adjourn the budget meeting at 8:15 o’clock p.m.

Terri Conville

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