
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – September 20, 2011

Rush Township Municipal Building
Hometown, PA  18252

Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Stephen W. Simchak at 6 o’clock p.m.  Those in attendance were Vice-Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Supervisor Robert Leibensperger, and Secretary/Treasurer Terri Conville.    There were approximately sixteen people in attendance and two reporters.   The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.

Public Comment
1. Marion Lazur – asked for an explanation for Item E under new business the award of request for proposal. Simchak stated that we received proposals from consulting firms to apply for federal grants for the sewer system in Hometown.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to retain Mullin & Lonergan Associates as the most qualified firm to handle grant applications for Rush Township for the fiscal years 2011, 2012, and 2013 pursuant to their proposal. Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert voted no. Motion carried.
Ms. Lazur also asked for an explanation for the approval of the change order for the 2011 road improvements program Leibensperger noted that changes were to the original contract on Lincoln, Frankford and Locust Streets and the prices were modified.   Simchak said the cost will be lowered.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the change order for the 2011 Road Improvements Program.  Original contract price $115,730.00, amount of change order (-$10,720.00) Contract price incorporating this change order $105,010.00.   Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Ms. Lazur asked for the correspondence to be read.  Ms. Conville noted the correspondence received for the month:
1.  Flyer from Schuylkill County listing dates and drop off locations for their fall cleanup and recycling event
2.  Letter from Villas Crossing Golf Course in reference to their open house.
3.  Letter from William Boyer about the sewer right-of-way in the back of Ryan Avenue.  Ms. Lazur asked if that letter could be read.  Ms. Conville read the letter as follows:  I would like this letter put on the agenda for the next meeting.  I would like the Supervisors to explain and show me proof of the sewer right-of-way in the back of Ryan Avenue.  Is it a public right-of-way or just for the sewer.  And is there any maps or plans on it.  Signed William Boyer
4.  Email from Attorney Paul Datte noting a change in NESJMA’s procedures for construction of a 6 inch lateral.
5.  Letter from Arthur Zeplin asking to be considered for a position on the NESJMA Board.
6.  Letter from MCT noting pledge requirements.
7.  Letter from the Tamaqua Public Library asking for a donation
8.  PSATS News Bulletin
9.  Township Today Newsletter
10.  Email from Bill McMullen of Arro forwarding the ESRP meeting minutes to the Supervisors
11.  Letter from the Planning Commission in reference to the final subdivision of the Great Eight, LLC
12.  Letter from Brinkash & Associates, Inc. Surveying & Engineering requesting a list of waivers be granted for the final subdivision of the Great Eight, LLC
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept and place on file all correspondence.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded that motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Ms. Lazur also asked to review the list of the township and sewer bills.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the current township and sewer bills for September 2011.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert voted no.  Motion carried.
2.  A resident questioned why the time extension for the Meadow Avenue Project has to be for such a long period. Simchak noted the contract expired and that amount of time is needed to complete the project.  Our engineer noted reasons of inclement weather and a back order of materials for the extension.  The time extension will not cost the township any extra money.
3. Charlie Shamonsky – wanted to know why the contractor does not finish Meadow Avenue instead of jumping around from place to place.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the change order #1 extending Contract A – Meadow Avenue Sanitary Sewer Improvements an additional 120 days (August 13th – December 4th).  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert voted no.  Motion carried.
4.  William Boyer – wanted an answer on the right of way.  Leibensperger stated that it is not a right of way and that the land is owned by the township and is not opened up as a road by ordinance.  Leibensperger stated there is a deed.  Mr. Boyer asked if he could see the deed.  Simchak suggested that Mr. Boyer should come into the office and we will research it for you.    Mr. Boyer wanted to know why coal trucks are allowed to run on this particular road.   Leibensperger stated that we cannot stop traffic from going on a non-ordinance road.
5.  Cathey Schimpf – questioned the usage of the emergency generator and why it was not put in the original design plans of the building.  Simchak stated that we need to obtain the technical specs for the generator and we are looking for normal demands.
6.  Charlie Shamonsky – wanted to know if Grand Prix Excavating would be given another extension if he is not finished in another 120 days.  Simchak stated that it would be possible.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to place an advertisement for an emergency generator for the municipal building.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Under the question, Vice-Chairman Gilbert wanted to know who will determine the size of the generator.  Leibensperger stated that Air Products has graciously offered to get the specs for us at no cost.  Gilbert questioned about purchasing a generator when the Board does not have the specs to review.
Attorney Yurchak suggested to the Board to change the wording of the motion to develop the specs and then advertise it.  Simchak rescinded the original motion. Leibensperger made a new motion to develop the specs for the generator, have the Board review them and then place the advertisement.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
American Water Services Report – John Teijaro read his report for the month as of September 20th, 2011.  Leibensperger wanted to know if everything is now working at the Laurel-wood pump station.  Mr. Teijaro noted that Dave Fannick, our electrician said that it is in working order.  A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept and place on file for public review TJ’s report.    Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.    Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

Minutes of Previous Meeting – August 16, 2011- A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the previous meeting minutes of August 16th.  Vice- Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

Treasurer’s Report as of August 31, 2011 – A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the treasurer’s report as of August 31, 2011.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

Municipal Reports – A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve and place on file for public review all the municipal reports.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville noted that Trick or Treat night will be held on Monday, October 31st from 6 pm to 9 pm.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

Attorney’s Business –
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to adopt Ordinance #174 for the Earned Income and Net Profits Tax. Vice Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

Old Business –
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to award  aggregate materials to RE Pierson Construction at a maximum contract price of $9,650.00 – 2A stone 700 ton $7,350.00   #10  20 ton $230.00   #4 50ton  $575.00    #57  130 ton $1,495.00.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Under the question, Leibensperger asked our Attorney what the procedure is for an item on the road materials bid that no bid was received.  Attorney Yurchak stated that usually it should be advertised again.  The question remains if that item is used by the road department. Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to award bituminous materials to Lehigh Asphalt Paving & Construction at
a maximum contract price of $94,462.80  –   25MM 166 ton $ 7,951.40    19MM 150 ton $8,025.00    9.5MM 1,060 ton  $61,448.20    9.5MM FG 60 ton  $3,538.20  and  anti-skid 1,000 ton $13,500.00.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.

New Business –
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the resignation letter of Daniel J. Metzger as Chairman and member of the Northeastern Schuylkill Joint Municipal Authority effective August 31, 2011.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Under the question, Leibensperger asked the newspaper to please put in their article that we are looking for someone to fill that position.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to adopt the Statement of Support recognizing the National Guard & Reserves.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger for the Rush Township Fire Police to assist with traffic control at the Marian Catholic High School home football games.  Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to advertise the Hometown Area Safe Routes to School Project.  Chairman Simchak seconded the motion.  Ms. Conville polled the Board.  Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert voted no.  Motion carried.

Chairman Simchak adjourned the meeting at 6:30 o’clock pm.

Transcribed and attested:

Terri Conville

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