Rush Township Board of Supervisors
Hometown, PA
Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Shawn E. Gilbert at 7:00 p.m. Those in attendance were Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni, and Secretary/Treasurer Darlene Fenstermacher. There were approximately 22 people in attendance, including 2 reporters. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
- Resident – Brought to the attention of the fact that multiple school buses drive down Meadow Avenue.
- George Pinkey – Made a statement that the Road Crew is doing an excellent job.
- Pat Tracey – Said buses should drive on Grove Street instead of Lincoln Drive
- Charlie Shamonsky – Buses going up Lincoln and turn into Mariner Street.
- POLICE REPORT – Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- M & B ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT – Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – FEBRUARY 16, 2012 Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- TREASURER’S REPORT – AS OF FEBRUARY 29, 2012 – Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- APPROVAL OF CURRENT TOWNSHIP AND SEWER BILLS FROM FEBRUARY 16TH THROUGH MARCH 2012 – Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- MUNICIPAL REPORTS – Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- CORRESPONDENCE. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- ATTORNEY’S BUSINESS – Attorney Riedlinger stated that the Board held an executive session on March 14th, 2012 to discuss the purchase of the new generator.
- Motion to reappoint Robert Minnick as a part-time police officer at the rate of $13.25 per hour. His name was omitted at reorganization. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
B. Motion to appoint Secretary/Treasurer of the Township as open records officer. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- Bid openings – See Attached.
A. Following the public hearing that took place immediately prior to this evening’s meeting, we have before us Resolution #2012-10 to approve the transfer of Retail Liquor License Number R-12262 from Butula’s Bar, of McAdoo to Zachary M. Zancofsky at 339 Claremont Avenue, Rush Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. Chairman Gilbert motioned. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger seconded. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
B. Motion for Elden Neifert to attend a LTAP course on April 26, 2012 at the Schuylkill Community Education Center from 8:30am to 3:30pm and pay his wages for the day with an allowance of up to $10.00 for the purchase of lunch. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- Motion to appoint the Assistant Secretary of the Township to perform the duties as Secretary for the Planning Commission. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- Motion to approve Resolution Number 2012-11 to amend the Rush Township’s Police Pension Plan for full time police employees. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- Motion to complete the Salt Contract Participation agreement with Co-Stars for August 2012 through July 2013 season. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- Motion to allow the St. Jerome Regional School to hold its 5K walk/run on Saturday April 28, 2012, using township roads and having the Rush Township Fire Police assist. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Motroni seconded. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted in favor. Motion cleared.
- Motion to purchase a pavilion for Miller Park. Vice-Chairman Leibensperger motioned. Motion died due to lack of second. Chairman Gilbert stated that it would be a topic that would be discussed after meeting was adjourned.
A. Recognizes the police department for a job well done.
B. The Road Dept. will be cutting shoulders throughout the year, anyone that is interested in having the fill dumped on your property should contact the administrative office and put your name on a list, so that the Road Dept. knows where to dump.
C. Residents have been receiving mail from a company called Homeserve selling insurance for water service line coverage.
D. The Supervisors are requesting that residents sweep up dirt and debris that has accumulated in front of their property over the winter months and call the office to schedule it to be picked up by the road department.
E. Art Contest for residents of the Township between the ages of 8 and 18, to create a new graphic design for the Township.
15. ADJOURNMENT – Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 8:00 o’clock p.m.
Transcribed and attested:
Darlene Fenstermacher