
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – October 18, 2012

Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 18252


Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Supervisor Shawn Gilbert at 7 o’clock p.m. Those in attendance were Supervisor Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni, and Secretary/Treasurer Darlene Fenstermacher. Five residents, Attorney Chris Reidlinger and one reporter were in attendance.





Charlie Shomonsky – Questioned who is sending out the most recent sewer bill.

A resident questioned if there was a resolution for wood-burning stoves.

4. POLICE REPORT – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

5. M & B ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS – SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

7. TREASURER’S REPORT – AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

8. APPROVAL OF CURRENT TOWNSHIP AND SEWER BILLS THRU OCTOBER 31, 2012 – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

9. MUNICIPAL REPORTS – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.


Letter – Emergency Management Agency

Letter – Department of Environmental Protection

Letter – Tamaqua Borough

Letter – Tamaqua Water Authority

Flyer – Municipal Legislative Report Catalyst

PennDot – Moving Forward

PA One Call

The Communicator





A) Motion to adopt resolution #2012-16 The section 3 plan to comply with 24 CFR, part 135, section 3 of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development act of 1968. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

B) Motion to adopt resolution #2012-17 The MBE/WBE Plan. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

C) Motion for Jarrad Bernitsky, Andrew Morgan and William Murphy to attend pump rebuilding class at Site Specific retroactive to October 3, 2012 and to be paid regular wage and milage for one vehicle. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

D) Motion for Jarrad Bernitsky to attend Wastewater classes in Wilkes-Barre retroactive to October 10 and 11, 2012 and be paid his regular wage. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

E) Motion for Jarrad Bernitsky to attend Water Quality Data Management class on October 25, 2012 in Schuylkill Haven and be paid his regular wage. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

F) Motion for Elden Neifert, Dennis Rupert, Michael Zimmerman, Andrew Morgan, Jarrad Bernitsky, and William Murphy to attend confined space training on October 23 and 24, 2012 and be paid regular wage and milage for 2 vehicles. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

G) Motion to purchase 12 grinder pumps for Lake Hauto retroactive to October 1, 2012. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

H) Motion for the Rush Township Fire Police to help at the Tamaqua Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 with a rain date of Wednesday, October 24, 2012. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

I) Motion to authorize payment to Tamaqua Borough from the Hometown Sewer Fund in the amount of $28,412.75 for additional charges from 2011. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

J) Motion to appoint the township secretary as Chief Administrative Officer for the non-uniformed and the police pension fund. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

K) Motion to adopt resolution #2012-18 approving submission of funding request for a Competitive CDBG Grant for low income line expansion. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

L) Motion to change the date of November’s meeting to Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7 o’clock pm. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

M) Motion to release $70,000.00 from the Fire Protection Fund to the Quakake Fire Company. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

N) Motion to advertise for a budget meeting on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at 7 o’clock pm. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.

14. SUPERVISOR’S COMMENT – The Supervisor’s would like all Meadow Avenue property owners to attend a meeting at the Township building on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 7 o’clock pm to discuss the safe routes project. It is imperative that all attend.

15. ADJOURNMENT – Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.






Transcribed and attested:






Darlene Fenstermacher


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