
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – November 19, 2012

Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 18252


Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Supervisor Shawn Gilbert at 7 o’clock p.m. Those in attendance were Supervisor Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni, and Secretary/Treasurer Darlene Fenstermacher. Twelve residents, Attorney Chris Reidlinger, and one reporter were in attendance.




Karen Parish – Sent a letter about the community and housing needs of Rush Township that was read by Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher.

Charley Shamonsky – Questioned truck signs on Meadow Avenue

4. POLICE REPORT – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

5. M & B ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS – October 18, 2012 – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

7. TREASURER’S REPORT – AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2012 – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

8. APPROVAL OF CURRENT TOWNSHIP AND SEWER BILLS THRU NOVEMBER 30, 2012 – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

9. MUNICIPAL REPORTS – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


11. ATTORNEY’S BUSINESS – Motion to adopt resolution 2012-20. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


A) Bid Openings

B) Award bid – Awarded bid to Ted Kreger with a bid of $5,150.00. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


A) Motion to renew contract with Chamber Choice Eastern PJM pool. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

B) Motion to adopt resolution #2012-19 Housing rehabilitation policy for the Townships housing rehabilitation program. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

C) Motion to set up new bank accounts for the Hometown and Lake Hauto sewer funds at Mauch Chunk Trust Company. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

D) Motion to purchase new pumps for the Laurelwood pump station. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

E) Motion to revise the ordinance for the Environmental Advisory Board to go beyond the residents of Rush Township. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Ms. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

14. SUPERVISOR’S COMMENT – Would like to thank all the volunteers who help during the storm. We appreciate all the effort and hard work you put into these positions as volunteers. Would also like to thank Turkey Hill for bringing in a generator to stay open, keep gas flowing and selling premium at regular prices. Reminder trash pickup on Friday, November 23rd will be changed to Saturday, November 24th due to the holiday.


15. ADJOURNMENT – Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.



Transcribed and attested:




Darlene Fenstermacher


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