
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – AUGUST 15, 2013



THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 2013 7 P.M.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Shawn Gilbert at 7 o’clock p.m. Those in attendance were Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni, Secretary/Treasurer Darlene Fenstermacher, William McMullen, and attorney Chris Reidlinger. Eleven residents and one reporter were in attendance.





Diane Neifert – Questioned what will be done on Jones Street. Also questioned what is going to be done to alleviate the water on the shoulder of the road during the winter months.

Bill Boyer – Questioned what the money collected during the Recycling drop-off was used for. Also, questioned why the vendor charged money to take recycling items.

Barry Messerschmidt – Provided information on Community Day. Also, thanked the residents for their patience with all of the work being done around the Firehouse.

Bill Boyer – Questioned the personnel matter within the township.

4. POLICE REPORT – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING –July 18, 2013 – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

6. TREASURERS REPORT – As of July 31, 2013 – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


August 31, 2013 – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded    by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

8. MUNICIPAL REPORTS (SEWER, ROAD, ARRO, PRODESIGN PLUS) – Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.



11. OLD BUSINESS – Executive session was held on July 30, 2013 with Engineering

to review sewer line issues. Executive session was held on August 12, 2013 with Police Department.


  1. A)Motion for the Rush Township Fire Police to aide in directing traffic at the Marian Catholic High School home football games. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. B)Motion to hire Robert Bechtel as a part-time police officer at the rate of $13.25 per hour, with a one year probation period. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. C)Motion to hire Paul Kuropatsky as full time road department employee at the rate of $13.50 per hour, with a one-year probation period. Starting date will be

August 19, 2013. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

  1. D)Motion for Elden Neifert, Dennis Rupert, Michael Zimmerman, Paul Kuropatsky to attend Liquid Bituminous Seal Coat Class on September 18, 2013 from 8 am to 12 pm and be paid regular wages. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. E)Motion for Elden Neifert, Dennis Rupert, Michael Zimmerman, Paul Kuropatsky to attend Safe Driver class on November 12, 2013 from 8 am to 12 pm and be paid regular wages. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. F)Motion to approve Kupres Boundary Adjustment Plan with contingency of Schuylkill County’s approval. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. G)Motion to advertise garbage and recycling for bid. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. H)Motion to extend the probationary period of Jarrad Bernitsky for another six months to March 24, 2014. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Chairman Gilbert. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. Supervisor Motroni abstained.
  1. I)Motion to promote Adam Sinton to Corporal. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Chairman Gilbert. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. Supervisor Motroni voted against.
  1. J)Motion to approve most cost effective means to fix the pressure release valves in Lake Hauto. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. K)Motion to approve the purchase of 12 grinder pumps for Lake Hauto. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. L)Motion to approve stucco proposal for the sewer building. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. M)Motion to accept Christopher Rhubright’s resignation as planning commission secretary. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.
  1. N)Motion to approve construction proposal for sewer building. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.

Meadow Avenue – In approval process by PennDOT.

Charlie Shamonsky – Questioned what is going to be done to fix the sidewalk in front of his house.

Marion Lazur – Questioned why Adam Sinton’s promotion was put on the agenda. Also, questioned why Supervisor Motroni was not called about Adam Sinton’s promotion being put on the agenda.

Supervisor Motroni – Stated that she wanted to change her vote on a previous meeting’s agenda topic. Would like it noted it was for investigation.

A) Ash pick up will be on Thursday’s, please call the office to be added to the list

B) Funds are still available for the low income housing rehabilitation program

C) Community Day will be September 7th at the Hometown Fire Company

14. ADJOURNMENT – Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 8:00 o’clock p.m.

Transcribed and attested:




Darlene Fenstermacher


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