
Minutes of the meeting of the Rush Township of Supervisors – DECEMBER 19, 2013




Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Shawn Gilbert at 7 o’clock p.m. Those in attendance were Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeanine Motroni, Secretary/Treasurer Darlene Fenstermacher, Attorney Chris Reidlinger, and 10 residents.







Elizabeth Shickora – Complaint about police department. Will be addressed at the January 6th, 2014 meeting.


Mr. Tracey – Questioned the rates of sewer.


Mr. Boyer – Questioned why Walnut Alley isn’t being plowed. Stated that there isn’t any winter maintenance on this road. Also, stated that Hamilton Street is blocked with piles of snow.


Charlie Shamonsky – Questioned why there is a sign at the Hometown Fire Company.


Barry Messerschmidt – Stated that the Lake Hauto gates didn’t open when Nesquehoning Ambulance tried to enter.


Cathey Schimpf – Questioned the procedure for water shut-off.


4. POLICE REPORT. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – November 21, 2013 and Budget Meeting held November 21, 2013. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


6. TREASURERS REPORT – November 30, 2013. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


7. APPROVAL OF CURRENT TOWNSHIP AND SEWER BILLS THRU December 31, 2013. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


8. MUNICIPAL REPORTS (SEWER, ROAD, ARRO, PRODESIGN PLUS MUST BE READ DURING MEETING, ZONING HEARING BOARD). The Prodesign Plus Grant report dated December 19,2013 was read out loud during the meeting, after review, no conflict was determined and approval was given for the Attorney to write a letter stating the no conflict outcome.  Motion made by Chairman Gilbert. Motion seconded by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. Supervisor Motroni abstained.




10. ATTORNEY’S BUSINESS – Supervisors held executive session on December 18, 2013 at 7 PM. Motion to advertise for annual audit 2013. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


11. OLD BUSINESS – Motion to adopt 2014 Budget. Motion made by Chairman Gilbert. Motion seconded by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. Supervisor Motroni abstained.


12. NEW BUSINESS  Motion to adopt PSATS disclosure statement for the uniform and non-uniform pension plans. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


  1. A) Motion to adopt resolution #2013-17 to amend sections 6-5 and 9-1 of the pension Plan Document to bring it in compliance with Act 600. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


  1. B) Motion to purchase cameras for the security of the building and grounds. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.



  1. C) Motion to advertise the re-organization meeting for 7 pm on January 6, 2014 with the regular meeting immediately following. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


  1. D)Motion to approve and have Chairman Gilbert execute the December 18, 2013 engagement letter from Siana, Bellwoar & McAndrew, LLP. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


  1. E)Motion to appoint Arro Consulting, Inc. to be the Township’s Construction Inspection Consultant for the Safe Routes to School Project. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


  1. F) Motion to reduce the force of the police department by one full-time officer in accordance with the Police Tenure Act. To be effective December 31, 2013. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. Supervisor Motroni voted against.


  1. G)Motion to accept Chris Rhubright’s letter of resignation. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


  1. H)Motion to advertise for part-time administrative assistant retroactive to December 18, 2013. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


  1. I)Motion to have part time officers work 16 hours per week. Motion made by Chairman Gilbert. Motion seconded by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. Supervisor Motroni abstained.


  1. J) Motion for Barry Messerschmidt to request a waiver for the variance fee. Motion made by Vice-Chairman Leibensperger. Motion seconded by Supervisor Motroni. Mrs. Fenstermacher polled the Board. All voted yes.


13. SUPERVISORS COMMENT – With the Holidays falling on Wednesday, Friday trash pickup for the week of Christmas and New Year’s will be on Saturday.

The Township will be collecting Christmas Trees on January 3, 2014 and January 24, 2014, please call the office to be put on pick up list. Please do not put large bulk items out for trash call 1-610-760-1854 to schedule a free pick up.



14. ADJOURNMENT – Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 7:55 o’clock p.m.



Transcribed and attested:




Darlene Fenstermacher


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