

Rush Township Building

Hometown, PA  18252

Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

A meeting was held at the Rush Township Municipal Building on April 21, 2016 at 7:00 o’clock pm. In attendance were: Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Vice Chairman Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeanine Motroni, Treasurer/Secretary Katie Orlick, Solicitor Chris Riedlinger and Bill McMullen.

Chairman Shawn Gilbert called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Police Report – Sergeant Frederick read the police report for the month of March 2016. A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve Sergeant Frederick’s report. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Minutes of Previous Meeting-  A motion was made to approve the previous meeting minutes of March 17, 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the treasurer’s report as of March 2016.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Approval of current township and sewer bills thru April 20, 2016 – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports thru April 20, 2016.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Approval of municipal reports (sewer, road, Arro, Prodesign) – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports for March 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Attorney’s Business –  Filed 2 tax appeals for exemptions on property owned by the township. Parcel No. 25-21-64, houses a pump station and the other is Parcel No. 25-17-62 part of a public park, Grier City Park.  There is a hearing on these appeals on May 10th at 1:45 p.m. Trying to get them tax exempt because used for public use. Prior to this meeting there was an executive session on the Tamaqua Area School District, Rush Academy.

Correspondence –     PSATs and Penn Dot Yellow Dot Program 

Old Business –            None.


  1.  Motion to approve a Written Fire Service Agreement between Rush Township and the Hometown & Quakake Fire Companies.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded. Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  2. Motion to approve Section 147(f) Written Agreement to execute the Hometown Fire Company’s New Truck Loan and to allow Chairman Gilbert to sign any documents on behalf of the Township.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded. Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  3. Motion to approve the Quakake Fire Company’s 75th Anniversary parade route, on July 23, 2016 at 3pm and to accept their request for assistance from our Rush Township Fire Police.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  4. Motion to authorize Chairman Gilbert to executed on behalf of Rush Township all the Temporary Easement Agreements, Permanent Easement Agreements and Easement and Operation Agreements necessary for completion of the Lincoln Drive Sewer Project.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  5. Motion to approve and authorize Chairman Gilbert to execute on behalf of the Rush Township, the new Agreement with Robert Dunn and Susan Biege relating to the Hometown Farmers market and the Township’s Transient Vendor Ordinance.  New agreement is stating as it has.  It is a 20-year agreement for $5,000/ year.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  6. Motion to disapprove the Repository Sale for Parcel #25-08-0005, North side of Liberty, due to Land Use Restrictions.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor, motion carried.
  7. Motion to approve DAP – 1 Agreement for Financial Assistance for the January 2016 snowstorm.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor, motion carried.
  8. Motion to approve DAP – 2 Designation of Agent Resolution for the January 2016 Snowstorm.  Authorizing Robert Leibensperger as the Applicant Agent. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  9. Motion to hire Ryan Oldt, as a Part-Time Rush Township Police Officer at a pay rate of $17.00/hr.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  10. Motion to hire Devon Bodman, as a Part-Time Rush Township Police Officer at a pay rate of $17.00/hr.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  11. Motion to hire Jonathan Troyer, as a Part-Time Rush Township Police Officer at a pay rate of $17.00/hr.  Vice Chairperson Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  12. Motion to Open & Award Bids for Equipment Rentals with Operators for 2016.  Motion to accept Tropp’s proposal in the amount of $17,080.00.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Public Comment – 

  1.  Mr. Tracy – Heard that grinder pumps are going to be in every yard, and that the new line will not be going through Corey Bates property.  That is correct.  Everyone will have to sign easement agreements and operation agreements. Everyone is required to hook up to the sewer, if you do not and decide later, then the cost to hook up with solely be the owner’s responsibility. Bill McMullen stated that he would be talking to all the residents individually.
  2. Wesley – Quakake is selling quick response signs for properties.
  3. Steve – Discussed with Robert about the number of acres is Miller Park, told to make an appointment to see the map and survey.  He also questioned who was paying for the park’s construction, he was informed that is being completed by a DCNR grant that the township received.  The township is only paying for a small portion of the piping.
  4. Joe – Wants to know what is being done about his letter, he was informed that it was placed in the complaint file.  The road will be fixed, but it is not going to happen in the near future.  He stated what he thought needed to be done with his drainage issue and was informed that it was noted, but nothing could be done at this time.
  5. Fay Sweeney – Is Wayne Avenue going to be paved? Yes, it will be.  She asked about mailboxes, they will have to pushed back but it will still be at the edge of road.  Handling each road as they come and the post office has been informed of disturbances in the mail service when they start this project.

 Supervisors Comment–   There is a Temporary Burn Ban in effect, beginning Friday, April 22, 2016 @ Noon until May 22, 2016. There have been recent calls from Companies inquiring about Transient Business Licenses, with that said, if any resident in our Township would like to be on a “Do Not Solicit List”, please contact our office. This request must be in writing.  In addition to being added to the “Do Not Solicit List” if there are residents that would like to be taken of the Code Red system please call the office and they will be removed.

Robert informed everyone not to put signs for garage sales and parties on signs in the township, this causes a distraction to the driver and if there is an accident the owner of the sign could also be held liable. Any signs placed in the ground or not on township signs must be removed immediately following their event.

Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.

Transcribed and attested: Kelly Giordano/Administrative Assistant

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