Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 18252
Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
A meeting was held at the Rush Township Municipal Building on July 21, 2016 at 7:00 o’clock pm. In attendance were: Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Vice Chairman Robert Leibensperger, Treasurer/Secretary Katie Orlick, Solicitor Chris Riedlinger and Bill McMullen. Jeaninne Motroni is not in attendance due to work obligations.
Chairman Shawn Gilbert called the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Police Report – Officer Hess read Sgt. Duane Frederick’s police report for the month of June 2016. In addition to the report was a request to hire Tanner Noecker. A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve Sergeant Frederick’s report. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Minutes of Previous Meeting- A motion was made to approve the previous meeting minutes of June 16, 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the treasurer’s report as of June 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Approval of current township and sewer bills thru July 20, 2016 – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports thru July 20, 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Approval of municipal reports (sewer, road, Arro, Prodesign) – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports for June 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Attorney’s Business – The Dunns approached the Township about the information they are to collect from the vendors at the Hometown Farmer’s Market, that being name, address, phone number and driver’s license number. They are asking that we remove the requirement from the agreement asking for the driver’s license number, it was previously voted on with this requirement in the agreement. A motion was made to modify the Agreement to remove the requirement that the Dunn’s obtain the driver’s license number from its vendors. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Correspondence – A letter from NESJMA regarding flushable and non-flushable items.
Old Business – None.
- Motion to hire Tanner Noecker as a Rush Township Part-Time officers. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried. This was also included in Sgt. Frederick’s monthly report.
- Motion to approve Hometown Fire Company’s request for Fire Police to secure the grounds & close the road in front of the Fire Company for their Community Day on August 20, 2016 from 8 am – 6 pm. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
- Motion to advertise for Garbage & Recycling Collection Bids & to open the Bids in our September 15, 2016 meeting. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion; motion carried.
- Motion to accept Proposal received for Grant Counseling for our Home Grant money from Prodesign Plus. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion; motion carried.
- (added to the agenda) Motion to authorize Chairman Gilbert to execute Easement & Operations Agreement for the Wilbur Parcel in Lake Hauto. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion; motion carried.
Vice Chairman Leibensperger discussed two (2) issues that were brought to his attention, that he wanted motions made on:
- Sgt. Frederick brought to his attention that on Sunset Lane from Rt. 309 to Oak Lane, there have been too many instances where people are trying to make a left going North on 309 and people are also coming into that area where the yellow cross bars are and it is not a left turning area and we have instances with near misses and trucks causing jam ups. Vice Chairman Leibensperger makes a motion that Solicitor make an Ordinance makes DO Not Enter from Rt. 309 onto Sunset by the Physical Therapy Building and also that anyone coming out from Sunset onto 309 cannot go left they can only make a right turn. The reasoning behind this is because Penn DOT will not change that lane at this point, but Robert spoke with them and they will allow the Township to put up the signs. Robert was there with Jeaninne and Duane and at that time observed five cars that were trying to do exactly what Duane was saying. Chairman Gilbert asked Bill McMullen and he said it is appropriate to put the signs up and not allow people to turn left. A motion was made. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried. This motion was rescinded and Supervisors and Arro Engineering will take a look and see what the best thing to do with this area.
- Next we need an Ordinance with regard to people putting signs on our regulatory signs. Chairman Gilbert asked the Solicitor to make an Ordinance including fines from $100-$1000 and it will be regulated by the Police Department like all of the Township’s ordinances. A motion was made. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Katie Orlick polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Supervisor Leibensperger also mentioned:
- There are individuals following the Road Crew around taking pictures and stuff as they are working. In fact, this one individual ran the road crew off the road 3 weeks ago and there is an incident report because he was trying to get them to go up and to do something at his property. Leibensperger expressed concern for the safety of the employees due to being approached by irate citizens and worried about gun control laws. Chairman Gilbert said that we are not addressing gun control AT ALL!
Public Comment –
- Cathey Schimpf – What’s the purpose of cutting the edges of the road (weeds, brush, etc)? Robert explained that it was to help with drainage issues and maintenance; the weeds and branches get into the drains, also they are only supposed remove of weeds and brush that is impairing the vision of drivers and in way of drainage, approximately only 3 feet in on the bank. Chairman Gilbert asked that they not cut the wildflowers or anyone’s landscaping near the road, use common sense with regard to cutting.
- Charlie Shamonsky – If you are going to get rid of the left hand turn onto 309, maybe some places need to not allow them to make a right to 309, it will cut down on some of the traffic on other roads. They are looking into the roads and turns. Charlie’s concern is mainly on Wednesdays due to the auction traffic, it was noted that it is busy in the Township on Wednesdays.
- William Boyer – wants to know if Walnut is on the agenda to be opened up. Chairman Gilbert said that not at this time because they are trying to get caught up on other things. Mr. Boyer asked how long and Chairman Gilbert did not have an answer on how long.
- Joe Shamonsky– Asked about the pine tree that is undermined in front of his home, he would like the township to cut the tree down. He was informed that no action will be taken with regard to this tree because it is not the township’s responsibility, it is the owner of that property. Chairman Gilbert said everything has been noted. Joe also asked how the Township made out with their case against Tamaqua Area School District, Solicitor said it is still pending.
Supervisors Comment– The County awarded the Township $12,882 in Act 137 Grant funds towards Home Program.
Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Transcribed by Kelly M. Giordano Administrative Assistant