

Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA  18252


Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors

A meeting was held at the Rush Township Municipal Building on September 15, 2016 at 7:10 o’clock pm. In attendance were: Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Vice Chairman Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni, Treasurer/Secretary Katie Orlick, Administrative Assistant Kelly Giordano, Solicitor Chris Riedlinger and Bill McMullen.

Chairman Shawn Gilbert called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Public Comment on the Agenda – None.

Police Report – Sgt. Duane Frederick read his police report for the month of August 2016. A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve Sergeant Frederick’s report. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Minutes of Previous Meeting-  A motion was made to approve the previous meeting minutes of August 18, 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the treasurer’s report as of August 2016.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Approval of current township and sewer bills thru September 14, 2016 – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports thru September 14, 2016.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Approval of municipal reports (sewer, road, Arro, Prodesign) – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports for August 2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Attorney’s Business –  None.

Correspondence –     None.

Old Business –            None.


  1. Motion to adopt Ordinance 194, Prohibiting the Placing, Securing or Affixing of any sign or item on any Traffic Regulation Sign of Rush Township.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  2. Motion adopt Ordinance 195, Prohibiting the leaving of signs or items on posts, poles or on the ground within Public Right-of-Way in the Township, which were placed to advertise or promote or inform of an event, beyond 48 hours after the event being advertised, has occurred, and in no event longer than 30 days.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  3. Motion to accept Arthur Zeplin’s letter of resignation from the NESJMA Board and to advertise for a new board member.  Anyone interested should send a letter of qualification to: Rush Township Board of Supervisors, 104 Mahanoy Avenue, Tamaqua, Pa 18252.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  4. Motion to approve a request from Grier City Sunday School, for our Rush Township Fire Police to assist with their 15th Anniversary Service of the September 11th Tragedy, which was held on September 10, 2016 @ 5 p.m. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  5. Motion to approve a request from Marian High School for our Rush Township Fire Police to assist them with traffic control for their home football games.  Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  6. Motion to approve a request from Tamaqua Borough, for our Rush Township Fire Police to assist with their Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 25th @ 7 pm.  Rain date is October 26th @7pm. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  7. Motion to approve ARP Beverages, LLC to move a restaurant liquor license into the Township as provided by Liquor Code §461(b.3), 47 P.S.§4-461(b.3). And to apply to the PA Liquor Board to transfer the license for use at 704 Claremont Avenue, Tamaqua, Pa 18252. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  8. Motion to approve the waivers for the Price Annexation Plan as recommended by the Planning Commission’s letter dated 9/9/2016. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  9. Motion to approve Price Annexation Plan being Rush Township Plan #PC-090116-01. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  10. Motion to Review the Garbage & Recycling Bids. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
  11. Motion to award the Garbage & Recycling Contract to Tamaqua Transfer & Recycling @$539,385.00 upon verification by Solicitor. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved; Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion.  Katie Orlick polled the board.  All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.

Public Comment –  

  1. Charlie Shamonsky – Inquired about the new contract would the residents have to return their current recycling bins. No, those were bought under the old contract.

Supervisors Comment–  October starts our Branch & Leaf Pick up.  See our website for the schedule.

Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.

Transcribed/Attested by Kelly M. Giordano Administrative Assistant

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