Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 18252
Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
A meeting was held at the Rush Township Municipal Building on December 21, 2017 at 7:00 o’clock pm. In attendance were: Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Vice Chairman Robert Leibensperger and Bill McMullen.
Chairman Shawn Gilbert called the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Police Report – Chief Lipsett’s police report for the month of November 2017 was read. A motion was made to approve the police report. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Chairman Gilbert seconded. Chairman Gilbert polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Minutes of Previous Meeting – November 16, 2017 – A motion was made to approve the previous meeting minutes of November 16, 2017. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the treasurer’s report as of November 2017. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved the motion. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Approval of current township and sewer bills thru December 20, 2017 – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports thru December 20, 2017. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Approval of municipal reports (sewer, road, Arro, Prodesign) – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports for November 2017. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Attorney’s Business – None.
Correspondence – None.
Old Business – None.
1. Motion to approve the Rush Township proposed 2018 Budget. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
2. Motion to hold our Re-Organization & the Regular Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, January 2, 2018. The Re-Organization Meeting will start @7pm followed by the Regular Monthly Meeting. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
3. Motion to hire Deborah Del Franco as Rush Township Secretary/Treasurer at a pay rate of $17/hour effective January 2, 2018. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
4. Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-20 fixing the tax rate for the Fiscal Year of 2018. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
5. Motion to Adopt the Emergency Operations Plan from The Emergency Management Agency, Schuylkill County. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
6. Motion to ratify Change Order #1 in the amount of $13,933.00 for Hometown Avenue Sewer Project effective November 21, 2017. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
7. Motion to approve Change Order #2 for an extension of the contract substantial completion to February 15, 2018 for the Hometown Avenue Sewer Project. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
8. Motion to approve Resolution 2017-21, adopting sewer system rules and regulations. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
9. Motion to approve Resolution 2017-22, adopting Small Quantity Escalation for the 2018 Road Reconstruction Project. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved. Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Chairman Gilbert polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Public Comment – None.
The Rush Township Offices will be closed on Monday, December 25, 2017 and December 26, 2017 for the Christmas Holiday. Monday garbage collection will be on Tuesday, December 26th and Friday’s garbage collection will be on Saturday, December 30th. The Rush Township office will also be closed on Monday, January 1st for the New Year’s holiday. Monday’s garbage collection will be on Tuesday, January 2nd and Friday’s garbage collection will be on Saturday, January 6th.
Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Transcribed and attested: Kelly Giordano/Administrative Assistant