Category: Resolutions

Resolution 2024-04

Resolution 2024-04 Resolution setting the Lake Hauto sewer collection and disposal fee for 2024.

Resolution 2024-03

Resolution 2024-03 Resolution setting the garbage and recycling collection and disposal fee for 2024.

Resolution 2024-02

Resolution 2024-02 Resolution requiring two (2) signatures on the Rush Township bank accounts.

Resolution 2024-01

Resolution 2024-01 Resolution establishing the fee structure for Sewage Enforcement and Sewage Permits and the appointment of Sewage Enforcement Officers.

Resolution 2023-17

Resolution 2023-17 Resolution fixing the tax rate for the Fiscal Year 2024

Resolution 2023-16

Resolution 2023-16 Resolution to finance an Ford F-250 for the sewer department.

Resolution 2023-15

Resolution 2023-15 Resolution asking legislators representing Rush Township to vote against the adoption of House Bill 291; a bill which poses a significant risk to municipal funding by subordinating municipal claims upon the modification of a mortgage.

Resolution 2023-14

Resolution 2023-14 Resolution filing for tax exemptions for 609 Claremont Avenue and NE Corner of Claremont and Ye Old Dam.

Resolution 2023-13

Resolution 2023-13 Resolution appointing Maxine Maser, CPA as auditor for fiscal year 2022

Resolution 2023-12

Resolution 2023-12 Resolution requiring 2 signatures for Bill Pay

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