Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 18252
Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
The monthly meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Stephen W. Simchak at 5 o’clock p.m. Those in attendance were Vice-Chairman Shawn Gilbert; Supervisor Robert Leibensperger; Corporal Duane Frederick and Secretary/Treasurer Terri Conville. There were approximately twenty eight people in attendance and two reporters present. The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.
Supervisor Leibensperger urged everyone in attendance to take the brochure about the Chevy Program and register on line for Rush Twp. The winner of the program gets a new car and the township would have a baseball field built for free.
Chairman Simchak read the memo about the census. Eighty percent of the residents have returned their 2010 census forms. A census enumerator will come to your house if you did not return it. Simchak also mentioned that pre-applications are available at our meeting tonight for the housing rehab program.
Public Comment
1. George Pinkey- commented on the way Simchak dealt with Mr. Shamonsky. Mr. Pinkey stated that in his twelve years as a Supervisor he never barred anyone from a meeting. He feels the public has a right to state their grievances.
2. Jeannine Motroni – wanted to know what procedure is followed by the township when a citizen sends in correspondence. Ms. Conville noted correspondence is reviewed by the Supervisors and is passed onto other departments.
3. Pat Tracey – wanted an explanation for the following wording in the meeting policy” A person is guilty of disorderly conduct with intent to cause public inconvenience, and “unreasonable noise”. Simchak explained the policy is meant to keep the meetings running in an orderly fashion. Ms. Tracey asked Attorney Yurchak if he wrote the policy. Yurchak stated he had input on it.
4. Marion Lazur – asked what was meant by the listing of employment status of Marie Skripnek on the agenda. Chairman Simchak stated the Board will be taking a vote under new business whether to hire Ms. Skripnek full-time. Ms. Lazur also noted that in May 2009, the Board approved a motion for a petty cash policy of $300.00 for the police department. Ms. Lazur wanted to know the status of that action and where the money came from. Ms. Conville noted the money came from the Police LST fund and it will be on-going as long as they are in the program.
5. Tom Klein – asked why the minutes had to be amended after four months. Chairman Simchak stated a typing mistake was made.
6. A resident asked if the road would be fixed on Joyce Street because the holes are down to the dirt. Simchak stated that since the Kahler Hill project came in under budget, the Board will get a quote from Livengood Excavators to fix that section of Joyce Street.
6. Steve Behun – had several areas of concerns for the Supervisors. He wanted to know what can be done with the drivers’ of the ATV’s riding around after dark on private property, township or state roads, and being underage. He claims he reported this problem to the police department and office staff over one year ago. He named one of the driver’s as Eric Rottet. Corporal Frederick cautioned Mr. Behun that he must be one hundred percent sure who the driver is if a case would ever go to court. Corporal Frederick stated the police department will investigate if a complaint is received. Mr. Behun also had concerns about the dumping on Joyce Street, behind the old Reilly’s Restaurant, and on Kahler Hill. Leibensperger suggested to Mr. Behun that he might want to start a neighborhood watch group in the township. Leibensperger stated he will get together with Mr. Behun and do a walk thru. Mr. Behun also wanted to know the time frame for the start of the Kahler Hill project. Ms. Kowalonek stated she believes the contract states completion in thirty days, with a start date of May 3rd and completion in about a week. Mr. Behun also addressed the weight limits and signs on Kahler Hill for traffic. Mr. Behun wanted to know what the policy was for purchasing fuel for the vehicles. Simchak stated we purchase gasoline from two vendors right now. Leibensperger stated we do not use Turkey Hill because they only will accept their Fleet Card (a credit card) for purchases and that has a fee involved. Simchak stated that Turkey Hill will not give us the same terms as the other two gas stations.
7. Doctor Jewells – wanted to know if the change in the date and time for the meeting tonight was advertised. Ms. Conville stated that it was advertised in the Times News and the door was posted with the change.
8. William Boyer- wanted to know when the last inspection was done at the battery plant. Chief Barry Messerschmidt stated it was done about eight months ago. Mr. Boyer also asked if something could be done about the garbage blowing onto his property on auction day. Simchak stated the Board will send a letter out to Mr. Dunn to try to keep an eye on the trash situation.
9. Charles Shamonsky – mentioned about putting up No Parking Signs on Rt 309 and Wyoming. Simchak said that Ms. Conville will write a letter to Penn dot with that request. He also asked about putting the truck signs back up by Turkey Hill. Mr. Shamonsky asked if he could get a report on what it costs to run the both sewers. Simchak told Mr. Shamonsky to come to the office and Ms. Conville could give him that information.
10. Len Tunella – asked the Board if they had any response for his complaint given to the Board about repairs needed on Crest Street. Supervisor Leibensperger noted that there are three different ideas at this point to do the repairs and it needs to have a permanent fix. Leibensperger will contact Mr. Tunella personally.
11. Cathy Schimpf – noted about Item E (fulltime vs. part time). Ms. Schimpf asked what duties have been added to this position, will it be the same rate of pay with benefits, and was it advertised. Ms. Schimpf stated that it is nothing personal, but perhaps could have been given to a resident of the township. Attorney Yurchak stated it did not have to be advertised. Simchak stated there is more work involved for grants now and everything has to be done properly. Gilbert asked then why are we paying Benesch and Pro-Design Plus to complete the grants. Jennifer Kowalonek, with Benesch & Company, stated that her company is not involved with the labor compliance end of the grants and that Rush has to do some of the administrative work.
12. Bill Yost – lives on Lee Run Lane –when the sewer pump was put in, a mud pond formed and now it is loaded with mosquitoes. Simchak noted that we will have the road foreman check it out.
Engineer’s Report – The report for the month was presented by Jennifer Kowalonek, Alfred Benesch and Company. Ms. Kowalonek stated that a grant application was submitted to DCNR for the development of Ryan Memorial Park. The Kahler Hill Road Project was awarded to Livengood Excavators at $82,936.39. A pre-construction meeting was held and the project is set to begin on May 3rd. Ms. Kowalonek read a letter the Supervisors received from property owners in Rush Township. These residents have concerns regarding the possibility of having storm-water drainage directed toward the Nesquehoning Creek. The letter was signed by Jeffrey Bowe, Esquire, William R. Yost, Michele Griffiths- President of the Dual Valley Recreation Association, and James Zigmant. The Supervisors met with these citizens and Benesch and Company on April 14th to discuss some of the issues at hand. A proposal will be sent to the Supervisors for the Meadow Avenue improvements. The final survey of the Ryan Memorial Park was given to the Supervisors. A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the engineering’s report. Chairman Simchak seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert voted no. Motion carried.
American Water Services Report
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to accept T.J.’s report for the month as read. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Police Department Report –
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to accept the police department’s report for the month as read. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the minutes of March 16, 2010. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Treasurer’s Report
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the treasurer’s report as of March 31, 2010. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Approval of Current Township and Sewer Bills for April, 2010
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve all township and sewer bills for April, 2010. Chairman Simchak seconded the motion. Under the question, Gilbert asked why he did not have a copy of the bills in the meeting packet. Ms. Conville noted because he looked at them in the morning and she did not have time to pay any other bills since then. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion. Gilbert voted yes as long as they were the bills he looked at this morning and nothing else was added onto them. The motion carried.
Municipal Reports
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to accept all municipal reports. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Correspondence – A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to put all correspondence on file for public review. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Ms. Conville highlighted on the correspondence received.
1. Letter from Emergency Management Agency
2. Letter from U.S. Census
3. Letter from Penn Dot
4. Letter from G.L. Phillips
5. Filing against William Sanchez and the Board of Supervisors
6. Confirmation of grant application-environmental egrants
7. Email from Edith Moyer of Tamaqua
8. Letter from Silberline
9. Newsletter from Sch. County Affordable Housing
10. Letter from Dr. Rocusky
11. Letter from Zamias Services
12. PSATS News Bulletin
Under the question Vice-Chairman Gilbert asked about the correspondence received against William Sanchez and the Board of Supervisors. Attorney Yurchak stated that it is a writ of summons filed against the Board with former employee Bob Heckman. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Attorney’s Business – none
New Business
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to amend the minutes from the Reorganization meeting of January 4, 2010 noting that Mr. Leibensperger made the motion that the Board of Supervisors and the Secretary/Treasurer be authorized to attend the State Convention in Hershey, Pa. April 18-21st, 2010 and authorize mileage, room, and food allowance of $50.00 per day for 3 days to those attending. Chairman Simchak seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert voted no. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to attach an amendment to the current police contract that changes health insurance coverage from Capital Blue Cross to Health America. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger for the Rush Township Fire Police to assist at the 2010 Schuylkill County Fireman’s Convention Parade on August 21, 2010 in Frackville. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to hire Mark Betz as a part-time police officer at the rate of $12.00 per hour. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to hire Marie Skripnek full-time with benefits, effective May 1st with paid holidays, paid vacation after one year and on the employee’s anniversary date, medical insurance, vision, dental, and life insurance. Chairman Simchak seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Simchak and Leibensperger voted for the motion and Gilbert voted no. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to adopt the supplemental participation agreement between Rush Township and the Trustees of Pa. State Association of Township Supervisors for the Act 457 pension plan. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Chairman Simchak adjourned the meeting at 6:00 o’clock pm.
Terri Conville