Rush Township Building
Hometown, Pa 18252
Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
The monthly meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Stephen W. Simchak at 6 o’clock p.m. Those in attendance were Vice-Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Supervisor Robert Leibensperger, Corporal Duane Frederick, Secretary/Treasurer Terri Conville, and Clerk/Assistant Treasurer Marie Skripnek. There were approximately twenty -two people in attendance and one reporter present. The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.
Public Comment
1. Marion Lazur – asked if she could hear the correspondence received for the month. The Supervisors did not have any objections to granting her request. Ms. Conville mentioned the following correspondence for the month:
Memo from Barry Messerschmidt announcing up- coming events at the Hometown Fire Company.
Letter from Ken Herring requesting a reduction in his sewer bill.
Letter from the Lake Hauto Club about the overhang of some trees.
An appeal filed by Marion Lazur with the Open Records Office in Harrisburg
Letter from DCNR thanking the township for their interest in the stewardship program.
Notice from DEP issuing a drought warning for 24 counties and a drought watch for the remainder of the State.
Letter from Mauch Chunk Trust listing their pledge requirements
Flyer from the Borough of McAdoo Police Committee extending an invitation to the citizens to attend a program on gangs in schools and neighborhoods
PSATS News Bulletin
Letter from the Borough of Tamaqua showing the reconciliation of wastewater treatment costs
NESJMA minutes for March thru July 2010
Township Today Newsletter
Email from David Henry, Regional Forester of the PA Game Commission with a brochure detailing the forest restoration plan.
Flyer from Penn State Extension for a Backyard Composting Clinic
Emergency Management Agency of Schuylkill’s newsletter
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the correspondence for public review. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
2. Marion Lazur – wanted to know if Scott Michalesko received his pension money from the pension plan.
3. Donna Yatcilla- inquired about the timeline for the repairs to the Old Hauto Road. Gilbert stated he would like to make a motion to possibly put that project out for bid. Simchak stated that the drainage is an issue here and bidding this out might be a possibility. Motion dies for a lack of a second.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the municipal reports. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
4. Diane Miker – wanted to know when the repairs will be done to Zellner Road.
5. Steve Behun – inquired about who filled in the shoulders for the Kahler Hill Project on September 10th.
6. Barry Messerschmidt – asked for a status report on the generator cabinet and cord for the intersection at Rts 54 & 309.
7. Charles Shamonsky – wanted to know when the no parking signs would be put back up to help with the traffic flow. Supervisor Leibensperger noted the road department will be doing brush cutting along the roads and the sides of the roads in late fall and winter.
8. Joseph Shamonsky – asked when the township would be cutting their own brush.
9. Marion Lazur – asked if the county prisoners still do brush cutting for free.
American Water Services Report – TJ read his report for the month. A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the American Water Services report. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Police Report – Corporal Frederick read the police report for the month of August. A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the police reports for the months of July and August. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried. A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to allow Duane to schedule another officer for trick or treat night from 6-9 pm. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Minutes of meetings – A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the August 17th, 2010 minutes. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the treasurer’s report for August 31, 2010. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Approval of current township and sewer bills for September, 2010 – A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve all township and sewer bills for the month of September, 2010. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Attorney’s Business – No report for the month
New Business
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to hire Adam Sinton as a part time police officer at the probationary rate of $12.00 per hour. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to adopt Resolution 2010-15 authorizing the filing of an application for funds with the Department of Community and Economic Development, Commonwealth of Pa. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Under the question, Simchak stated that the township received $20,000.00 as seed money for the application and we are now officially applying to the state for $330,000.00 in grant monies to benefit low to moderate income families. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to adopt Resolution 2010-16 noting an account number change for the Hometown Sewer Operating Fund. Vice -Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Under the question, Simchak explained to the public that some of our checking account numbers and checks were shown on WBRE-TV a few months ago. Our insurance carrier and legal team recommended having the account numbers changed for security purposes. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to ratify the Rush Township Fire Police to aide in directing the traffic after the home football games at Marian Catholic High School. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger the Rush Township Fire Police to assist with directing traffic for the Bike Ride for Bynon to be held on September 26th. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to advertise the garbage contract for bid. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Under the question, Simchak stated that our current contract expires in March of next year and the yearly garbage amount will be calculated on whatever the bids come in at. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Gilbert to approve Plan #235A – Herring Subdivision Lot Annexation as recommended by the Planning Commission. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. All members voted in favor of the motion, carried.
Ms. Conville stated that an information session will be held to update the residents on the Meadow Avenue Project on Tuesday, September 28th at 4 p.m. at the municipal building.
Ms. Skripnek read a memo thanking the following volunteers who helped clean up the debris at the Ryan Memorial Park on Friday, Sept. 3rd. (Harry Eisley, Ray Boulanger, Carmen Forke, Walter Taylor, Matt Hope of Hope’s Towing, and Robert Leibensperger).
Chairman Simchak thanked everyone for coming and adjourned the meeting at 6:35p.m.
Transcribed & Attested
Terri Conville – Secretary/Treasurer