Rush Township Municipal Building
Hometown, PA 18252
Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Vice-Chairman Shawn Gilbert at 6:05 o’clock p.m. Those in attendance were Supervisor Robert Leibensperger and Secretary/Treasurer Terri Conville. Chairman Stephen W. Simchak was absent. Also Attorney Robert Yurchak was not in attendance. There were approximately twenty-three people in attendance and one reporter. The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.
Public Comment
1. John Starry- wanted to know if the new towing policy that was adopted by the Board of Supervisors is being followed. The new policy states that the tows are to be shared equally between the towing companies. Gilbert asked Officer Herring if there is a reason why Mr. Starry is not getting 50/50 share. Officer Herring stated that many times the accident victims request a tower covered under their AAA. Officer Rich Sinton stated that Hope’s Towing is called because they are the quickest to arrive at the scene and get the vehicles off of the road. It was agreed upon to have a meeting in January with the Board and Mr. Starry to try and find a solution for all parties involved with the towing.
2. William J. Sanchez, Jr. – wanted to know why there is not a road department report listed under the municipal reports. Supervisor Leibensperger stated the road department is laid off and only works a few hours per week cleaning storm drains or whatever needs to be done. Sanchez stated that they should still be doing a report. Leibensperger will have our road foreman do a report as requested.
3. Marion Lazur – asked for the correspondence to be read.
Ms. Conville mentioned the following correspondence received for the month:
Letter received from the Beacon Diner asking the Board’s input and support on the number of vehicles that are improperly using their parking lot as a shortcut to bypass the light. There have been an increasing number of accidents. They are hoping to have signs installed stating there is no thru traffic allowed and would like the police department’s assistance in enforcing this.
Mauch Chunk Trust pledge requirements
Fall 2011 PSATS Legal Defense Partnership newsletter
November 2011 PSASTS News Bulletin
Townships Today Quarterly Newsletter
Monthly Minutes of the NESJMA Board from October 21, 2010 thru October 20, 2011
Email from Cathey Schimpf in reference to appointing an attorney for Zoning
Email from Lori Lewis about issues on Meadow Avenue.
A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept all correspondence. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Gilbert and Leibensperger voted for the motion. Simchak was absent. Motion carried.
4. Barry Messerschmidt – thanked everyone for their support this past year. He asked about the status of the Miller Park Boundary Survey. Leibensperger noted that the stakes are in the ground and the signs will be put up depicting the boundaries. Leibensperger believes the township should be eligible for the grant with the ESRC next year. He would like the grant money to be used at Miller Park.
5. Supervisor Leibensperger thanked Dino Cizzio of Woods & Things Tree Farm for donating the Christmas tree to the township. He has donated a tree to the township the last few years.
6. Dave Clewell – asked the Board if a letter could be written to Penn-Dot addressing the large number of tractor trailers using the road over the Tuscarora Park Road since the detour began. Leibensperger asked if an email could be sent to Penn Dot for no truck traffic on that detour.
American Water Services Report – John Teijaro read his report for the month as of December 20th, 2011. TJ asked Barry Messerschmidt about using the water tank to run the water down to flush the lines after all the construction work is completed by Grand Prix. Gilbert and Leibensperger agreed to this. A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve TJ’s report. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Gilbert and Leibensperger voted for the motion. Simchak was absent. Motion carried.
Minutes of Previous Meeting – December 9, 2011- A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the previous meeting minutes of December 9, 2011. Vice-Chairman Gilbert stated he was not present at that meeting and will not vote to accept the minutes. Leibensperger noted that the public will not be able to view them. Ms. Conville will ask the attorney. Ms. Schimpf asked if a draft of the minutes could not be accepted.
Treasurer’s Report as of November 30, 2011 – Ms. Conville read the balance in each fund. A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the treasurer’s report as of November 30, 2011. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Under the question, Leibensperger wanted to know what happens to the money in the Bicentennial Fund since the year is almost over. Ms. Conville stated that the sub tickets still have to be paid for out of that money. There will not be much money left. Gilbert made a motion that whatever money is left in that fund should be put into the Recreation Fund. Leibensperger stated that it should be up to the members of the Bicentennial Committee. Mr. Eisely, a committee member, stated he was thinking of donating it to the Tamaqua Salvation Army. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Gilbert and Leibensperger voted for the motion. Simchak was absent. Motion carried.
Approval of current township and sewer bills as presented to the Board – A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve current township and sewer bills as presented to the Board. Vice-Chairman Gilbert stated he would vote to approve payment of all the bills presented except for the following two bills: From the General Fund – Card Member Services for a printer/fax machine in the amount of $95.39 and The Times News for the special meeting in the amount of $ 37.80. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Gilbert and Leibensperger voted for the motion. Simchak was absent. Motion carried.
Municipal Reports – Ms. Conville noted reports were received from Alfred Benesch updating the Board on current projects. There were no zoning permits issued for the month. The police report was read. Corporal Frederick asked the Board to purchase a bullet proof vest for one of our part time officers. Gilbert noted that the Board will look into purchasing more than one vest next month. A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to approve the municipal reports. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Gilbert and Leibensperger voted for the motion. Simchak was absent. Motion carried.
Attorney’s Business – no report
New Business –
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Gilbert to accept an advertisement to have the Re-organization meeting for Tuesday, January 3rd at 7 p.m. with the regular monthly meeting to immediately follow. Leibensperger stated what would happen if he does not accept it. A discussion followed between Supervisors’ Leibensperger and Gilbert and Supervisor Elect Jeannine Motroni about this motion. Gilbert and Motroni agreed to let Leibensperger in on their discussions about re-opening the budget or changing the budget prior to the meeting. Supervisor Leibensperger seconded the motion. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Gilbert and Leibensperger voted for the motion. Simchak was absent. Motion carried.
Meeting Minutes – A discussion followed between Supervisors’ Gilbert and Leibensperger about approving the meeting minutes. A motion was made by Supervisor Leibensperger to accept the meeting minutes of December 9, 2011. Vice-Chairman Gilbert seconded the motion. Under the question, Gilbert stated the reason he is approving them is that the public will have access to them. Ms. Conville polled the Board. Gilbert and Leibensperger voted for the motion. Simchak was absent. Motion carried.
Vice-Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 6:40 o’clock pm.
Transcribed and attested:
Terri Conville