Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 18252
Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
The meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Supervisor Shawn Gilbert at 7 o’clock p.m. Those in attendance were Supervisor Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni, and Secretary/Treasurer Darlene Fenstermacher. Twelve residents and two reports of Rush Township were in attendance.
3. POLICE REPORTS – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
4. M & B ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS – JULY 19, 2012 – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
6. TREASURER’S REPORT – AS OF JULY 19, 2012 – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
7. APPROVAL OF CURRENT TOWNSHIP AND SEWER BILLS THRU AUGUST 31, 2012 – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
8. MUNICIPAL REPORTS – Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
A) Motion to adopt Employee Volunteer Policy as written. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
A) Motion for the Road Department employees Elden Neifert, Dennis Rupert, and Michael Zimmerman to attend the Pennsylvania 811 Program in Hazleton on September 5, 2012 and be paid their regular wages. The program begins at 7:30am and is approximately 90 minutes long. . Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni abstained0.
B) Motion to change the ration for the Hometown and Lake Hauto split from 70%-30% to 65% Hometown and 35% Lake Hauto. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
C) Motion to adopt ordinance #177 prohibiting truck traffic on specified residential streets. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Chairman Shawn Gilbert seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
D) Motion to adopt ordinance #176 prohibiting tobacco use in Township parks and playgrounds. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Chairman Shawn Gilbert seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
E) Motion to order items needed for the sewer department (portable spot light, rubber boots, rubber apron, multi meter, clamp meter, hard hat, confined space monitor, confined space harness, confined space tripod, organic vapor mask). Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Chairman Shawn Gilbert seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
F) Motion to approve work and timeline for Meadow Avenue and portions of Oak Lane and Mariner Avenue according to Arro Project summary under item #4. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Chairman Shawn Gilbert seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
G) Motion to approve 2012 road improvements and timeline according to Arro Project summary report under item #4. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger motioned. Chairman Shawn Gilbert seconded. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
Loretta Rogosky – Stated that her neighbors continue to set off illegal fireworks.
Beverly Knoebel – Stated a thank you for limiting truck traffic on residential roads and for reducing speeding on Purnell Avenue.
Joe Shamonsky – Asked about roads being vacated.
William Boyer – Asked if the forensic audit report was available.
A) Motion to purchase new computer. Chairman Shawn Gilbert motioned. Vice-Chairman Robert Leibensperger seconded.
Jeannine Motroni – Questioned the schedule of the police department. Chairman Shawn Gilbert stated that it was done 6 weeks prior. Secretary Darlene Fenstermacher polled the board. All voted yes.
15. ADJOURNMENT – Chairman Shawn Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 8:20 P.M.
Transcribed and attested:
Darlene Fenstermacher