Rush Township Building
Hometown, PA 18252
Minutes of the Meeting of the Rush Township Board of Supervisors
A meeting was held at the Rush Township Municipal Building on April 16, 2015 at 7:00 o’clock pm. In Attendance Chairman Shawn Gilbert, Vice Chairman Robert Leibensperger, Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni, Secretary/Treasurer Denise Hope, Administrative Assistant Kelly Giordano, Attorney Chris Riedlinger and Bill McMullen.
Chairman Gilbert called the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Police Report – Sergeant Duane Fredrick read his report for the month of March 2015. A motion was made by Chairman Shawn Gilbert to approve Sergeant Frederick’s report. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion. Mrs. Hope polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Minutes of Previous Meeting – March 19, 2015 A motion was made by Chairman Shawn Gilbert to approve the previous meeting minutes of March 19, 2015. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion. Mrs. Hope polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried
Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Chairman Shawn Gilbert to approve the treasurer’s report. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion. Mrs. Hope polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Approval of current township and sewer bills thru April 16, 2015 – A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports thru April 16, 2015. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion. Mrs. Hope polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Approval of municipal reports (sewer, road, Arro, Prodesign)– A motion was made by Chairman Gilbert to approve the municipal reports for April 16, 2015. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion, Mrs. Hope polled the board. All members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Attorney’s Business – Attorney Riedlinger gave an explanation of the Court Petition he has prepared in order to appoint a trustee to transfer land from Grier City Union Sunday School Association to Rush Township for maintenance of playground.
Correspondence – Tamaqua Area Faith Fellowship Network is collecting funds and food for those in need. There is a hunger walk on May 3rd. Rain date for the Hunger Walk is May 17, 2015.
Introduced the new Eastern Schuykill Recreation Commission Board Member, John Mirarchi. John gave a quick introduction and explained about the May 9, 2015 bus trip to New York Yankees.
A motion to accept Carl Yaccino’s resignation from the sewer department effective April 24, 2015. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion. Mrs. Hope polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
A motion to advertise for a full-time Sewer Department Employee. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion. Mrs. Hope polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
A motion to authorize solicitor to proceed with a court petition to appoint a trustee to transfer land from Grier City Union Sunday School Association Rush Township for maintenance of playground located thereon. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion. Mrs. Hope polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
A motion to advertise for full-time employee in the road department. Vice Chairman Leibensperger approved, Supervisor Motroni seconded the motion. Mrs. Hope polled the board, all members voted in favor of the motion, motion carried.
Public Comment
- Charlie Shamonsky – 1. Would like to know why his sidewalk is deteriorating? 2. When the police busted the Meth lab, did they have breathing apparatuses on and what the procedure is for such things?
- Burn Ban in effect immediately until further notice.
- Discussion of the sidewalks and road conditions that was previously placed by a contractor, Bill McMullen is speaking with the contractor regarding these issues.
- Road repairs will begin as soon as able to get hot materials and road reaches temperatures of 50 degrees or higher.
Supervisors Comment- Rush Township is scheduling branch and leaf pick up; please call to schedule a pick-up by April 30, 2015. Anyone who has their name in by end of April will be picked up into first week of May. The people who call in after April 30, 2015 will not be picked up.
Chairman Gilbert adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Transcribed and attested: Kelly M. Giordano/Administrative Assistant